Actions and events

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主页  mappView帮助助手 > mapp View帮助信息 > Widgets  > Media  > PDFViewer  >

Actions and events

The following section describes the possible actions and events for the widget.






Navigates to the specified page in the PDF document.

value: UInteger

"value" is the number of the page to be displayed.


Sets the path to the PDF document.

Text keys from the text system (e.g. "$IAT/TextID") or texts put together as a string using operands (e.g. "=myStringOperand") can be used.

value: String

Relative path to the PDF document to be displayed, e.g. "Media/Manual.pdf".


Controls the visibility of the widget.

value: Boolean

Visible if the value is true. Otherwise, invisible.


Controls the usability of the widget.

value: Boolean

Enabled if the value is true. Otherwise, disabled.


Sets a predefined style for the widget.

value: StyleReference


Mode "Tooltip" can be enabled using this action. When enabled, a tooltip indicator appears inside the widget. For this, a text must be configured in property "Tooltip". This text is displayed when the indicator is selected. Any other operation of a widget terminates mode "Tooltip".



Deletes the path to the PDF document and removes it from widget "PDFViewer".



Sets the focus to the widget when keyboard operation is enabled.


Table: Actions






Triggered when the usability of the widget is changed. This can be changed using various options:

1) Using property enable (binding or via widget action SetEnable)

2) Using property permissionOperate

3) Using usability properties (enable, permissionOperate, OPC UA variable) of the surrounding container widget

4) Using a bound OPC UA variable with write permissions that have been changed.

value: Boolean

"value" defines the usability of the widget. If true is returned, the widget can be used; if false, it cannot be used.


Triggers when the visibility of the widget is changed. This can be changed using various options:

1) Using property visible (binding or via widget action SetVisible)

2) Using property permissionView

3) Using the visibility properties (visible, permissionView) of the surrounding container widget

value: Boolean

"value" defines the visibility of the widget. If true is returned, the widget is displayed; if false, it is not displayed.


Triggers when a dragged widget is moved over the target widget.

widgetId: String

"widgetId" contains the ID of the widget that performed the drag operation.

contentId: String

"contentId" contains the ID of the piece of content whose widget performed the drag operation.


Triggers when a dragged widget is dragged away from the target widget.

widgetId: String

"widgetId" contains the ID of the widget that performed the drag operation.

contentId: String

"contentId" contains the ID of the piece of content whose widget performed the drag operation.


Triggers when a dragged widget is released on the target widget. For the definition of drag-and-drop and an explanation of how these events can be used, see here.

widgetId: String

"widgetId" contains the ID of the widget that performed the drag operation.

contentId: String

"contentId" contains the ID of the piece of content whose widget performed the drag operation.


Triggered when a widget gets the focus.



Triggered when a widget loses focus.


Table: Events