Positioning texts and symbols

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主页  mappView帮助助手 > mapp View帮助信息 > Widgets  > Process  > Skyline  > Concept  >

Positioning texts and symbols

For a module in widget "Skyline", notification symbols, module symbols, option symbols and texts can be defined.

The positioning occurs according to the following principle:


By default, each text and symbol is placed in the center of the module. The following properties can be used to change the positioning

moduleSymbolOffsetX: Defines the x-position of the module symbol within the module.

moduleSymbolOffsetY: Defines the y-position of the module symbol in the module.

moduleTextOffsetX: Defines the x-position of the module text within the module.

moduleTextOffsetY: Defines the y-position of the module text in the module.

notificationOffsetX: Defines the x-position of the notification symbol in the module.

notificationOffsetY: Defines the y-position of the notification symbol in the module.

optionOffsetX: Defines the x-position of the option symbol in the module.

optionOffsetY: Defines the y-position of the option symbol in the module.

If the notification symbol should be located in the upper right area, for example, "notificationOffsetX = 50" and "notificationOffsetY = -50" can be specified. This could look like this:
